
Three days course for those embryologists who need to implement the trophectoderm biopsy (or the cleavage stage biopsy) in their routine. Also interesting for those embryologists who are already performing biopsies but would like to have an upgrade to learn new tips and tricks on all the aspects related with the blastocyst biospy.

For further information please contact us at training@embryotools.com

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Embryo biopsy: How to implement a successful PGT program


Aims and Goals of the Course:

To understand fundamental principles of blastocyst culture, biopsy, genetic diagnosis, and cryopreservation techniques. To have an overview of current experiences and outcomes and acquire experience on how to setup and manage a successful Day-5 culture program. To have intensive hands-on in blastocysts biopsy (and cleavage stage if needed) applying the “pulling” and the “flicking” methods on an unlimited number of blastocyst at different expansion stages. Hands-on sessions are focused on all steps needed to implement successfully a PGT program, including: vitrification and warming of biopsied embryos, laser assisted hatching, tubing of cells for genetic analysis and validation of the number of cells biopsied.

Scientific Program:

Theoretical Sessions (30-45 min duration):

  • “Embryo Biopsy -techniques and suggestions”

Hands-On Sessions:

  • Preparation of biopsy and embryo culture dishes.
  • Setting up of the microscope and the laser.
  • Biopsy of early, expanded and fully hatched blastocysts using the “pulling” and the “flicking” techniques with unlimited samples and live demonstration for each case.
  • Preparation of material for the tubing of the biopsied cells genetic analysis.
  • Validation of the number of cells biopsied under an epifluorescence microscope.
  • Vitrification, warming and and the handling of completely hatched blastocysts.
  • Laser AH in warmed blastocysts.
  • Video recording and photos of the procedures performed in the hands-on sessions.

Team of embryologists providing the training:
Nuno Costa-Borges, PhD; Carolina Castelló, BSc; Enric Mestres, PhD; Mònica Acacio, MSc; Queralt Matia; MSc.

Certificate of attendance will be awarded to participants completing the workshop

Dates: Three days from 09:00h to 16:30h (with a coffee break and 30 min lunch pause).

Prices: 3600 Euros

Depending on your experience and needs we can modify the training course by adding extra days to the course.

Embryotools’ Laboratories
Avenida Doctor Marañón, 8
Parc Científic de Barcelona
08028 Barcelona, Spain