
Two day course based on different types of oocyte injection, sperm capture and immobilization, oocyte rotation. Ideal for embryologists who are new to the ICSI technique and also for more experienced embryologists who want to practice and learn tricks to improve their results.


For further information please contact us at training@embryotools.com

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ICSI techniques: how to inject in a less invasive way


Aims and Goals of the Course:

This course is specifically designed for embryologists interested in acquiring practical skills and updating their knowledge on the ICSI technique. The course will focus on didactic and intensive hands-on practical lessons about the ICSI procedure, breaking the membrane of the oocyte by pressure, avoiding cytoplasm aspiration and enhancing embryo quality.

Throughout the course, embryologists will have the opportunity to get in touch with the latest technologies that are currently available in the field, such as Narishige and Eppendorf micromanipulators and Octax CytoScreen high magnification microscopy.

Scientific Program:

Theoretical Session (30-45 min duration):

  • “ICSI not all injections are the same “

Hands-On Sessions:

  • Set up of dishes and media for ICSI.
  • Micromanipulator and pipettes set up.
  • Sperm selection and capture.
  • Oocyte rotation and microinjection.
  • Different ways of breaking the membrane.
  • Washing and culture of microinjected oocytes as well as the analysis of their development the following day.

Team of embryologists providing the training:
Gloria Calderón, PhD; Nuno Costa-Borges, PhD; Enric Mestres, PhD; Mònica Acacio, MSc; Carolina Castelló, BSc.

Certificate of attendance will be awarded to participants completing the workshop

Dates: Two days from 09:00h to 16:30h (with a coffee break and 30 min lunch pause).

Prices:  2200 Euros

Depending on your experience and needs we can modify the training course by adding extra days to the course.

Embryotools’ Laboratories
Avenida Doctor Marañón, 8
Parc Científic de Barcelona
08028 Barcelona, Spain