Investigación y desarrollo

Nuestro centro de I+D recibe soporte del CDTI para estudiar estrategias que prevengan la prevalencia de anomalias cromosómicas

Embryotools is currently involved in several research projects that aim to develop new technologies for the treatment of infertility problems.

Among them we highlight the project financed by the European Reginal Development funds (ERDF) Ref. RD 15-1-0011 that aims to develop a new technique for meiotic spindle replacement in oocytes affected by mitochondrial or other cytoplasmic problems.

Project title: Desenvolupament d’una novedosa tècnica de TRA: transferència de fus matern (MST). RD 15-1-0011.

Maternal spindle transfer overcomes embryo developmental arrest caused by ooplasmic defects in mice

Fourth Baby Born in 14 Months Using the Maternal Spindle Transfer Method as Part of Pilot Trial Conducted by the Institute of Life and Embryotools Scientific Team