Quality Control and Quality Assessment in the IVF lab
Aims and Goals of the Course:
To improve the knowledge and understanding of Quality Control and Assurance in the IVF lab. To go through the management of culture media in order to achieve an excellent culture system while learning how to measure, validate, and control essential culture parameters in the IVF lab: temperature, CO2, pH, osmolality and VOCs. To understand how IVF organization and daily routine can affect quality control and influence consistent results.
Scientific Program:
Theoretical Session (30-45 min duration):
- “Quality Control and Quality Assessment in the IVF lab”
Hands-On Sessions:
- Lab routine and practical aspects that affect QC&QA.
- Early morning setup and daily routine in the IVF lab.
- Incubators: pH, gas and temperature control in different types of incubators.
- pH measurements with blood analyzer and pH online.
- Temperature measurements in all of the heated stages with different kinds of external probes: Thermodata buttons and Picologger.
- Osmolality measurements with our Osmometer: with and without oil and in different types of dishes.
- Discover and understand different types of culture dishes and their relation with heated stages and embryo culture.
- How to handle culture media: Aliquoting, storage, setting up of dishes, HSA, evaluation of temperature, osmolality and pH.
Team of embryologists providing the training:
Nuno Costa-Borges, PhD; Carolina Castelló, BSc; Enric Mestres, PhD; Mònica Acacio, MSc; Queralt Matia; MSc.
Dates: One day from 09:00h to 16:30h (with a coffee break and 30 min lunch pause).
Price: 1500 Euros
Depending on your experience and needs we can modify the training course by adding extra days to the course.
Certificate of attendance will be awarded to participants completing the workshop
Embryotools’ Laboratories
Avenida Doctor Marañón, 8
Parc Científic de Barcelona
08028 Barcelona, Spain